Union Organiser: Yasmin Fazel-Ellahi
Union Secretary: Asanda Siyila
Union Secretary: Asanda Siyila
Our Union office is staffed by one full-time union organiser and one full-time secretary. The Union executives serve on a voluntary basis and are very active and fully committed to serving the interests, rights and needs of the members. To enjoy the benefits download our membership form.
Welcome to the UCT Employees Union (UCTEU) website.
The UCT Employees Union (UCTEU) is the largest staff representative body at the University of Cape. It is a duly registered Trade Union in terms of Section 96 (1) Labour Relations Amendment Act, No 12 of 2002 of the Republic of South Africa. It is the recognised bargaining unit for Pay Classes 6 to 12. However, the UCTEU also represents members from Pay Classes 1 to 13 - as well as academics - in work-related matters.
To this end we participate in many forums and perform a large number of activities.